
Over the last 23 years we made an impact that is strong & we have long way to go.

Our manufacturing division is capable to handle wide range of requirements ranging from Food & Beverages to sophisticated machinery and defense equipments. We had been working with various clients across the glob to make their requirement into reality using our state of art manufacturing facilities. Our in-house logistics division helps us to collect raw materials and ship finished products to different parts of the world

We continuously update our manufacturing infrastructure b updating machinery from the leading innovations and automate the process. We also follow global standards in plant operations, safety and employees welfare. We also use the scope of latest technologies in every step of manufacturing including Artificial Intelligence. We also implemented robotics Technology that speed up and provides higher accuracy and precession in manufacturing various products.

We are involved in various sectors of manufacturing including food and beverages, heavy equipments, etc. One of our Flagship divisions include manufacturing of Armored Vehicles, Gold Refinery, Water Bottling Plant.

Consultation Process

At JMM Group our culture comes to life through three core values:

We seize opportunities to innovate and grow

We are one firm with a shared sense of purpose

We care about each other and the world around us

Service Information :

97 professionals

+971 - 4 - 2631 555

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